Monday, April 3, 2023

Is gematria still used today?

gematria, an ancient system of numerical interpretation of Hebrew words and phrases, is still used in some Jewish circles today and is gaining renewed interest from modern readers. Gematria assigns numerical value to each letter in the Hebrew alphabet and then uses those values to look for connections between words, names, and even phrases. Used by many religious figures throughout history, including Kabbalists, Gematria can provide insight into the nature of certain scriptures or help explain the Godly intent behind certain Bible passages.

The most famous use of Gematria is in calculating the numerical value of a name; traditionally, it was believed that one's true character could be revealed through this process. In traditional Kabbalistic beliefs, certain numbers are considered sacred; for example, the number 36 (chai) has three letters which add up to 18 — a number that is seen as emblematic for life. Additionally, a numerical analysis allows one to connect concepts together; when words with a similar numerical value are combined to form a phrase or sentence it allows for deeper understanding than if only single words were utilized — this was especially important in old Jewish texts where brevity was prized but explicit meaning was desired from scriptures.

In modern times, Gematria continues to be used by contemporary Islamic mysticism and the esoteric principles behind it inspire some new age religious movements such as Theosophy. It has also been taken up by numerologists attempting to decode hidden messages found in literature — some believing that Shakespeare's works contain secret gematrical meanings or that various Biblical statements carry prophetic significance when analyzed through gematry methods.

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